Sunday, October 15, 2023

Unleashing Creativity: The Pinnacle of Digital Artistry with the Best Drawing Tablet of 2023


Unleashing Creativity: The Pinnacle of Digital Artistry with the Best Drawing Tablet of 2023


In the ever-evolving realm of digital art, finding the perfect tool to translate imagination into reality is an artist's quest. In 2023, that quest finds its zenith with the unrivalled champion of graphics tablets. Our exploration into the vast landscape of drawing tablets has led us to one undeniable conclusion—the pinnacle of creativity is reached with the latest tablet.



Confused which is the best drawing table for 2023

Listen to the discussion on drawing tablet and which one of this fits your needs, it all depends on your priorities, budget.


Sam: Hey Dexter, I heard you're on the lookout for a new drawing tablet. Have you considered the Wacom Cintiq 22?

Dexter: Yeah, I'm looking at a few options, but I'm kind of overwhelmed. What's special about the Wacom?

Sam: Well, let me break it down for you. The Wacom Cintiq 22 offers a pretty spacious drawing area at 19.5 x 11.5 inches. That's great for detailed work. Plus, it rocks a standard HD resolution of 1920 x 1080, ensuring your artwork looks crisp and clear.

Dexter: Nice, but what about the power situation?

Sam: It's not battery-powered, so you'll need a constant power source. However, the benefit is you won't have to worry about the battery dying mid-creative burst. Now, the pen pressure sensitivity is a solid 8,192 levels, offering you nuanced control over your strokes. And connectivity is versatile with HDMI and USB 2.0 ports.

Dexter: Sounds good, but I'm also eyeing the XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro. Thoughts?

Sam: The XP-Pen is a solid choice, especially if you're looking for something a bit more portable. It's got a smaller drawing area, 13.4 x 7.6 inches, but still maintains an HD resolution. The USB-C connection is a plus for faster data transfer. Like the Wacom, it's not battery-powered, though.

Dexter: Interesting. What about the iPad Pro? I've heard good things about it.

Sam: Ah, the iPad Pro is a bit different. It's not just a drawing tablet; it's a whole device. The 12.9-inch screen is stunning with a super high XDR resolution of 2732 x 2048. It's also battery-powered, and with the Apple Pencil, you get a responsive drawing experience. The only downside is the pen pressure sensitivity isn't officially confirmed, and it requires the Apple Pencil, which is optional.

Dexter: The iPad Pro does sound tempting. But I'm still torn.

Sam: It ultimately depends on your priorities. If you want a dedicated drawing tablet with a large canvas, the Wacom might be your go-to. If portability is key, the XP-Pen is a strong contender. The iPad Pro brings versatility but leans more towards an all-in-one device. Consider your workflow and what specs matter most for your artistry.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Foreign Language for lower Beginner


What you get in lower beginner Arabic

You will get our full support hands on with:

  • 80 pages of Arabic learning material, easy to read and clear explanation by experts
  • 10 Arabic lessons with simple and practical dialogues and word phrase expansion and building of sentences. The author answers lots of learners' questions regarding Arabic and giving simple guidelines to master Arabic.

Start learning the fundamentals of speaking Arabic and knowing whatever the Arab locals are speaking on the streets. Reading and writing exercises. You can merge and join Arabic letters into words.

Spoken Arabic in Modern Arabic and street Arabic with the local dialects

We recommend this Arabic learning book for lower beginners and adults who are just starting to learn a new foreign language.


This book is the most powerful way to learn Arabic to from basic Arabic and simple speaking and Arabic dialogues. Learn the Arabic 1 book and gain confidence speaking Arabic.

What's inside:

  1. 15 topics from absolute basic
  2. Guided by starting simple phrase.

Click Here!

What You'll Discover Inside:


  1. Basic Japanese Pronunciation: Learn to pronounce Japanese words correctly and confidently.
  2. Essential Vocabulary: Build a strong foundation with a comprehensive selection of commonly used words and phrases.
  3. Practical Dialogues: Engage in real-life conversations with dialogues that cover everyday scenarios.
  4. Cultural Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of Japanese customs and etiquette.


Why Choose "Learn Lower Beginner Japanese"?

  1. User-Friendly Approach: Our book is designed with learners in mind, making it accessible for beginners of all ages.
  2. Tailored for Beginners: Whether you have zero prior knowledge or limited exposure to Japanese, our book is perfect for beginners.
  3. Real-Life Conversations: Engage in practical dialogues that simulate everyday scenarios, ensuring you're ready to communicate in any situation.
  4. Progress at Your Own Pace: Move from basic greetings to more complex sentences at a pace that suits you.
  5. Cultural Enrichment: Immerse yourself in the rich Japanese culture through insightful anecdotes and tips.

Click Here!

Start speaking Japanese with confidence from day one and watch as your language skills flourish. Begin your adventure today! And Unlock the secret in learning Japanese: A Beginner's Guide to Speaking Japanese." Join us, and together, let's unlock the wonders of Japan!


Features of this book

Discuss the search for truth.

The final revelation to man.
Hope to return to paradise.
Salvation on Judgement Day.
Unanswered question such as: 

Where is God? Which is the original book?  What is the last revelation to mankind? When is our return to God? What is resurrection Day? What happens to the soul after our death?



Features of this E-book:
15 topics with easy steps to learn Japanese.
Speak Japanese in your first lesson.
Speak with simple phrase.

Review: Never Lose hope in the Mercy of God


In the realm of spiritual literature, few books uplift, inspire, and instill unwavering hope like "Never Lose Hope in the Mercy of God." Authored by the profound and insightful writer, Mohd Mursalin Sa'ad, this work stands as a radiant beacon, illuminating readers' hearts and minds with the timeless message of divine mercy.

Synopsis: A Tapestry of Hope Unfolds

At its core, the book weaves a tapestry of narratives, anecdotes, and reflections that traverse human experience landscapes. Through vivid storytelling and profound insights, Mohd Mursalin Sa'ad, invites readers on a transformative journey. This journey encourages them to delve into the depths of faith, resilience, and God's boundless mercy.

Key Themes: Faith, Resilience, and Divine Mercy

1.    **Faith in Adversity: The book skillfully navigates through life's challenges, presenting stories of individuals whose unwavering faith served as a guiding light even in the darkest of moments. Through these narratives, readers are reminded that faith is not tested when life is smooth, but rather when faced with trials and tribulations.

2.    **Resilience as a Virtue: Embedded within the pages is a celebration of human resilience. Drawing from real-life examples and scriptural wisdom, the author illustrates how adversity, rather than breaking the human spirit, can forge it into a force of unwavering strength. Each chapter unfolds as a testament to the indomitable nature of the human soul.

3.    **The Endless Mercy of God: The central theme of the book revolves around the boundless mercy of God. Through carefully chosen verses from sacred texts and eloquent reflections, Mohd Mursalin Sa'ad, paints a vivid portrait of a merciful and compassionate deity, encouraging readers to never lose hope in the face of their own shortcomings.

Impactful Insights: A Source of Spiritual Nourishment

*What sets "Never Lose Hope in the Mercy of God" apart is its ability to offer not only solace but also practical insights. The author seamlessly blends spiritual teachings with everyday wisdom, providing readers with a roadmap for navigating the complexities of life with grace and gratitude.

Reader Testimonials: A Symphony of Praise

From cover to cover, this book has garnered acclaim for its ability to touch the hearts of readers. Testimonials pour in, describing it as a transformative experience, a source of strength during trying times, and a compass guiding them towards a deeper connection with the divine.

Conclusion: A Timeless Message of Hope

In a world often fraught with challenges and uncertainties, "Never Lose Hope in the Mercy of God" emerges as more than a book; it becomes a cherished companion on life's journey. As readers turn its pages, they are invited to embrace faith, cultivate resilience, and, above all, never lose sight of the enduring and infinite mercy of God. Mohd Mursalin Sa'ad, delivers a masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of religious affiliations, offering a universal message of hope for all seekers on the path of faith.


A word from the author of the Muslims and Revert Series

"Dear friends, this book 'NEVER LOSE HOPE IN THE MERCY OF GOD', is written solely for you. If you live in the west, when the culture and the people you meet don't know about Islam, then finding out more about Islam is an intriguing endeavor. You look around and people adapt to their culture. Having parties, drinking, and mixing with such people will drag you to a point where you will be addicted to drugs and possibly being homeless." Therefore, reading this book about the mercy of God could be the key to helping you find guidance and keep away from those temptations. Generation after generation just closed their eyes excepting whatever is thought by the holy man. Is it time for us to pounder a moment and ask about proof of the scriptures and with a logical mind ask questions that for years had been hunting our thoughts.


Such as:

Where is God? Which is the original book?  What is the last revelation to mankind? When is our return to God? What is resurrection Day? What happens to the soul after our death?


These questions should be answered, at least a person can decide his true path in life, while time is limited. The urgency to witness the oath of faith is vital to proof your faith in ONE GOD WHO CREATED THIS UNIVERSE AND EVERTHING IN IT. SAY, O MY LORD SHOW AND GUIDE ME TO THE TRUTH. AND LET ME ENTER PARADISE WITH YOUR BLESSINGS. AMEEN!


The holy man in your state can't answer these questions? He talks like the tongue of a snake. Whispering lies and defamation without evidence.

It is your TURN NOW, to start searching for truth, and find the real God and the real religion. This handy book was furnished with lots of evidence, and you can read more of this Islamic and Muslim series books. The only salvation is by starting to read books, listen to sermons, sit among scholars, ask lots of questions. And most importantly read and understand the word of God presented to man via messenger Mohammad peace be upon him.  The Quran is the only evidence and guide for man. 


Every time I stumbled facing hardships, I find that there is hope only in God we trust.


Finding Hope in God: A Journey of Truth and Salvation in Islam

In a world often clouded by uncertainty and confusion, the quest for truth and salvation becomes a paramount endeavor for many. It is a journey that often takes people through various paths, leading them to different destinations. One such journey is the exploration of faith, particularly in Islam, where the Quran becomes the guiding light, illuminating the path towards hope and salvation.

When hopes are shattered, and the brain confused with doctrines of God worshipping, perhaps we need to rejuvenate our thinking and mindset, to find the purpose of life, the reason of our existence, to find peace in this world and the hereafter.


The Search for Truth: A Dialogue

In a small town, amidst the noise of everyday life, lived a man named John. John was on a relentless quest for truth and salvation, a quest that began with a profound realization about the fleeting nature of worldly pursuits. Frustrated and disillusioned, he sought guidance from various sources—philosophies, religions, and spiritual practices. Yet, his heart remained restless, yearning for a truth that resonated with the depths of his being.

One day, John encountered a wise old man named David, known for his deep understanding of spiritual matters. Intrigued, John approached him, and a dialogue ensued.

John: "David, I've spent my life searching for something, something that could provide meaning and purpose. I've explored different paths, but nothing seems to satisfy the yearning within me. Can you guide me to the truth I seek?"

David: “John, the truth you seek is often found in the most unexpected places. Have you considered exploring the teachings of the Quran? It is a source of profound wisdom and guidance.”

This suggestion sparked John's curiosity. He began delving into the Quran, reading its verses, and pondering over their meanings. Slowly, a sense of tranquility and hope started to fill his heart.

Hope in God: The Quranic Perspective

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, is a reservoir of guidance and solace for those who seek truth and salvation. Its verses speak of God's mercy, compassion, and the promise of a meaningful existence. John, immersed in its teachings, found a renewed sense of hope.

John: “David, the Quran speaks to the depths of my soul. Its verses resonate with a truth I've been searching for. It's as if I've found a source of everlasting hope and guidance.”

David: “Indeed, John. The Quran is a divine message that addresses the core of our existence. It provides not only guidance for this life but also the promise of eternal salvation for those who believe and strive to live righteous lives.”

As John continued his journey into the teachings of Islam, he found solace in the belief in one God (Allah), the importance of compassion, and the value of righteous deeds. The Quran became his compass, guiding him through life's challenges and offering a sense of purpose that he had never experienced before.

The Journey Continues: A Life Transformed

John's transformation was not just intellectual; it transcended into a profound change in his character and actions. He began to embody the values espoused by the Quran, radiating a sense of peace and contentment. His journey, initially marked by restlessness, had led him to a destination of profound spiritual fulfilment.

In Islam, the concept of hope in God is intertwined with trust (tawakkul) in His wisdom and mercy. John's newfound hope was not based on wishful thinking but on a deep-seated trust in the divine plan.

Conclusion: The Everlasting Hope

In the quest for truth and salvation, Islam offers a profound and timeless path. The Quran, as the ultimate source of guidance, provides hope that transcends the transient nature of this world. John's journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith—a journey from restlessness to tranquility, from confusion to clarity, and from despair to everlasting hope in God.


A word from the author of the Muslims and Revert Series

"Dear friends, this book 'NEVER LOSE HOPE IN THE MERCY OF GOD', is written solely for you. If you live in the west, when the culture and the people you meet don't know about Islam, then finding out more about Islam is an intriguing endeavor. You look around and people adapt to their culture. Having parties, drinking, and mixing with such people will drag you to a point where you will be addicted to drugs and possibly being homeless." Therefore, reading this book about the mercy of God could be the key to helping you find guidance and keep away from those temptations. Generation after generation just closed their eyes excepting whatever is thought by the holy man. Is it time for us to pounder a moment and ask about proof of the scriptures and with a logical mind ask questions that for years had been hunting our thoughts.


Such as:

Where is God? Which is the original book?  What is the last revelation to mankind? When is our return to God? What is resurrection Day? What happens to the soul after our death?


These questions should be answered, at least a person can decide his true path in life, while time is limited. The urgency to witness the oath of faith is vital to proof your faith in ONE GOD WHO CREATED THIS UNIVERSE AND EVERTHING IN IT. SAY, O MY LORD SHOW AND GUIDE ME TO THE TRUTH. AND LET ME ENTER PARADISE WITH YOUR BLESSINGS. AMEEN!


The holy man in your state can't answer these questions? He talks like the tongue of a snake. Whispering lies and defamation without evidence.

It is your TURN NOW, to start searching for truth, and find the real God and the real religion. This handy book was furnished with lots of evidence, and you can read more of this Islamic and Muslim series books. The only salvation is by starting to read books, listen to sermons, sit among scholars, ask lots of questions. And most importantly read and understand the word of God presented to man via messenger Mohammad peace be upon him.  The Quran is the only evidence and guide for man. 


infidelity is the cause of family breakups, at least two-thirds of marriage end with this scenario. Can infidelity be fix. How to solve infidelity?


infidelity is the cause of family breakups, at least two-thirds of marriage end with this scenario. Can infidelity be fix. How to solve infidelity?


The breach of trust through infidelity is a potent catalyst for family breakups. When one partner strays, the ripple effect can shatter the foundation of trust, making it challenging to rebuild the relationship.


Read through the behind scenarios in family discussion.

Counsellor: Sarah, I appreciate you opening about what's been going on. Infidelity is undoubtedly a tough issue to navigate. Can you share more about how you're feeling?

Sarah: It's just... I never expected this. James and I had our challenges, but I never thought he'd betray my trust like this.

Counsellor: Betrayal is deeply hurtful, and the impact of infidelity can be profound. It's like a ripple effect, affecting not just the moment of betrayal but the entire foundation of trust. How are you processing this?

Sarah: I feel shattered, honestly. I don't know if I can ever trust him again. It's like the core of our relationship has been damaged.

Counsellor: Trust is indeed fragile, and rebuilding it takes time and commitment from both partners. James, can you share your perspective on what led to this breach?

James: I messed up, there's no denying it. Work stress, personal insecurities—I let them get to me. I never meant for it to hurt Sarah like this.

Counsellor: Acknowledging the mistake is a crucial step, James. Sarah, do you see a possibility of rebuilding trust, or is the pain too overwhelming?

Sarah: I honestly don't know. It's not just about me; it's about our family. Can we ever be the same again?

Counsellor: Rebuilding trust is a challenging journey, and it's okay not to have all the answers now. What matters is whether both of you are willing to commit to the process. James, what steps are you prepared to take to regain Sarah's trust?

James: I'll do whatever it takes. I know I messed up, but I love Sarah and our family. I want to make things right.

Counsellor: That's a positive commitment, James. Sarah, it's important to communicate your needs and boundaries during this process. Would you be open to exploring couples counseling to navigate this together?

Sarah: I think we need help to figure this out. If there's a chance to salvage our family, I'm willing to try.

Counsellor: Excellent. Seeking professional guidance can provide a structured space for healing and rebuilding trust. Remember, it's a journey, and both of you need to be patient and compassionate with yourselves and each other.

This dialogue emphasizes the emotional impact of infidelity, the challenges of rebuilding trust, and the importance of both partners committing to the healing process, possibly with the help of professional counselling.


A must-read book to foster love and survive marriage life.

What is in this book?

The author discusses the following topics:

1.    Things you should know before marriage.

2.    How to choose a spouse before marriage

3.    How to keep your marriage alive

4.    Marriage ground rules

5.    Fix marriage issues with solutions

6.    How to develop lasting impact on your marriage relationship

7.    Spot the red flag and fix it