Saturday, October 14, 2023

Every time I stumbled facing hardships, I find that there is hope only in God we trust.


Finding Hope in God: A Journey of Truth and Salvation in Islam

In a world often clouded by uncertainty and confusion, the quest for truth and salvation becomes a paramount endeavor for many. It is a journey that often takes people through various paths, leading them to different destinations. One such journey is the exploration of faith, particularly in Islam, where the Quran becomes the guiding light, illuminating the path towards hope and salvation.

When hopes are shattered, and the brain confused with doctrines of God worshipping, perhaps we need to rejuvenate our thinking and mindset, to find the purpose of life, the reason of our existence, to find peace in this world and the hereafter.


The Search for Truth: A Dialogue

In a small town, amidst the noise of everyday life, lived a man named John. John was on a relentless quest for truth and salvation, a quest that began with a profound realization about the fleeting nature of worldly pursuits. Frustrated and disillusioned, he sought guidance from various sources—philosophies, religions, and spiritual practices. Yet, his heart remained restless, yearning for a truth that resonated with the depths of his being.

One day, John encountered a wise old man named David, known for his deep understanding of spiritual matters. Intrigued, John approached him, and a dialogue ensued.

John: "David, I've spent my life searching for something, something that could provide meaning and purpose. I've explored different paths, but nothing seems to satisfy the yearning within me. Can you guide me to the truth I seek?"

David: “John, the truth you seek is often found in the most unexpected places. Have you considered exploring the teachings of the Quran? It is a source of profound wisdom and guidance.”

This suggestion sparked John's curiosity. He began delving into the Quran, reading its verses, and pondering over their meanings. Slowly, a sense of tranquility and hope started to fill his heart.

Hope in God: The Quranic Perspective

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, is a reservoir of guidance and solace for those who seek truth and salvation. Its verses speak of God's mercy, compassion, and the promise of a meaningful existence. John, immersed in its teachings, found a renewed sense of hope.

John: “David, the Quran speaks to the depths of my soul. Its verses resonate with a truth I've been searching for. It's as if I've found a source of everlasting hope and guidance.”

David: “Indeed, John. The Quran is a divine message that addresses the core of our existence. It provides not only guidance for this life but also the promise of eternal salvation for those who believe and strive to live righteous lives.”

As John continued his journey into the teachings of Islam, he found solace in the belief in one God (Allah), the importance of compassion, and the value of righteous deeds. The Quran became his compass, guiding him through life's challenges and offering a sense of purpose that he had never experienced before.

The Journey Continues: A Life Transformed

John's transformation was not just intellectual; it transcended into a profound change in his character and actions. He began to embody the values espoused by the Quran, radiating a sense of peace and contentment. His journey, initially marked by restlessness, had led him to a destination of profound spiritual fulfilment.

In Islam, the concept of hope in God is intertwined with trust (tawakkul) in His wisdom and mercy. John's newfound hope was not based on wishful thinking but on a deep-seated trust in the divine plan.

Conclusion: The Everlasting Hope

In the quest for truth and salvation, Islam offers a profound and timeless path. The Quran, as the ultimate source of guidance, provides hope that transcends the transient nature of this world. John's journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith—a journey from restlessness to tranquility, from confusion to clarity, and from despair to everlasting hope in God.


A word from the author of the Muslims and Revert Series

"Dear friends, this book 'NEVER LOSE HOPE IN THE MERCY OF GOD', is written solely for you. If you live in the west, when the culture and the people you meet don't know about Islam, then finding out more about Islam is an intriguing endeavor. You look around and people adapt to their culture. Having parties, drinking, and mixing with such people will drag you to a point where you will be addicted to drugs and possibly being homeless." Therefore, reading this book about the mercy of God could be the key to helping you find guidance and keep away from those temptations. Generation after generation just closed their eyes excepting whatever is thought by the holy man. Is it time for us to pounder a moment and ask about proof of the scriptures and with a logical mind ask questions that for years had been hunting our thoughts.


Such as:

Where is God? Which is the original book?  What is the last revelation to mankind? When is our return to God? What is resurrection Day? What happens to the soul after our death?


These questions should be answered, at least a person can decide his true path in life, while time is limited. The urgency to witness the oath of faith is vital to proof your faith in ONE GOD WHO CREATED THIS UNIVERSE AND EVERTHING IN IT. SAY, O MY LORD SHOW AND GUIDE ME TO THE TRUTH. AND LET ME ENTER PARADISE WITH YOUR BLESSINGS. AMEEN!


The holy man in your state can't answer these questions? He talks like the tongue of a snake. Whispering lies and defamation without evidence.

It is your TURN NOW, to start searching for truth, and find the real God and the real religion. This handy book was furnished with lots of evidence, and you can read more of this Islamic and Muslim series books. The only salvation is by starting to read books, listen to sermons, sit among scholars, ask lots of questions. And most importantly read and understand the word of God presented to man via messenger Mohammad peace be upon him.  The Quran is the only evidence and guide for man. 


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